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A simple guy, nothing special about him, not much different from the other regulars you see in public. But… that’s just on surface, inside, every single one of us is very special. Living through unique experiences that shapes who we are. First love, first disappointment, first school fight… Very early in life we start to diverge in unimaginable ways from each other but still, somehow, we are drawn to other people with similar interests.
I like to stay occupied, i enjoy being productive. Sometimes finding fun where others would get bored to death. That’s the reason i write. I like writing. Writing is more than just an escape or a way to pass the time. It’s a reflection, a conversation with myself. Each word is like pulling back a layer, exposing thoughts I didn’t even know I had. It’s strange, really, how putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard can bring out emotions you didn’t realise were hiding beneath the surface.
I often think about the power of storytelling. How, with the right words, you can capture an entire moment, a fleeting feeling, or a lifetime of experiences. When I write, I’m not just telling a story; I’m weaving a piece of myself into it. Sometimes it’s about people I’ve met, situations I’ve been in. Sometimes it’s just pure imagination, creating worlds and characters that don’t exist, yet somehow feel more real than anything around me.
There’s something thrilling about it, like I’m both the creator and the observer. I write to understand, to make sense of the chaos that sometimes spins in my head. And if, by chance, my words resonate with someone else, if they read something I’ve written and feel even a fraction of what I felt while writing it—well, that’s just a bonus. Because, ultimately, I write for me.
But that’s the thing about sharing your thoughts no matter how personal they feel, you never know who might connect with them.
Each moment is an irreplaceable opportunity.
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